Our global journalists receive remarkable results because we get to help them build their careers without compromising our creativity! We love what we do in the world of journalism.
Hello, Nice To Meet You.
Our Board Composition

Kennedy Wandera (Kenya)

Vice Chair
Sophie Mokoena (South Africa)

Douglas Okwatch (Kenya)

Hiba Morgan (Sudan)

Dep. Treasurer
Mary Kulundu (Kenya)

Chair, Advisory Committee
Samuel Getachew (Ethiopia)

Chair, The Security Committee
Jack MacBrams (Malawi)

London Representative
Peter Musembi (United Kingdom)

Chair, Steering Committee
Saddique Shabaan (Kenya)

West Africa Regional Representative
Adejuwon Soyinka (Nigeria)

Central Africa Regional Representative
Claudia Nsono (Cameroon)

Berlin Representative
Tomi Oladipo (Germany)
Ex-Officio Member

Ex-Officio Members
Roncliffe Odit (Kenya)